CGI of me!

A special piece of work from my CGI helper; the brilliant Flair. A CGI image of me! It is scarily fantastic.

With embarrassment for my vanity, but out of respect for the effort I put into my body shape, I will mention my thighs are more athletic and the gap between my thighs at the very top is bigger! These things are important to fitness-freak girl! 😂😂 I also have a different hairstyle with much longer hair. But I am not in any way criticising Flaire’s work. I love it!


The real me

To show how brilliant the work of Flair is, below is the GGI image and the real me; on the cover of my journal, volume 23.


Anniversary Card

On another topic. The five year anniversary of my poor bitch’s last ever hand-job is imminent. I am not sure if he knows. But below is a photo of the card I have bought him, to be presented that morning. When I saw the card advertised, I adored the ‘forever more‘ words, and I could see I would not need to add much with a Sharpie to maker the card perfection.

The presentation of the card will be followed by a long wank-tease of a dildo, in a strap-on harness I will have him wear. The dildo will be sticking out, and I will wank it, while below the dildo will be his little redundancy, inescapably locked in its little cage.



LINK to Use the label uxo, not submissive.

6 thoughts on “CGI of me!

  1. Gosh! That CGI IMAGE OF OUR DIVINE MISTRESS SCARLET GAVE ME A HEART THUMPING JOLT’ I must find out how to do things like that. I love the expression on your face and your hand on your hip. The very thought of seeing you in the flesh like that would make me tremble and quiver , knowing that i would want to suffer as much as i could for you; and to the best. of my ability; Yet would see myself as a failure if i could not at least please you. To me; you are the Epitome of all that is truly powerful in a Woman Queen . (Qween or Quiim or Queem ) ( as I like to term your Exquisitively Formed Perfection in Beauty.) But what of your HubsubUxor slave? Might he not have a part to play? What he demonstrates is the purest of Uxor Worship; An indefinable indefinite fathomless depth of suffering and with such obsequious powerless abandonment; to .”SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED!” How i could love to be in your presence as i felt my heart skip a beat and my legs become jelly with trembling should you so much as glance in my direction.

  2. Today (March 8th) is apparently International Women’s Day (which I understand has its roots in the women’s suffrage movement). I do not know if you have any views on such ‘days’ (some people see them as rather arbitrary) but may I wish you ‘Happy Women’s Day’

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