Four year anniversary

Just a quick mention that it came up in my calendar that today is the 4 year anniversary of my bitch being locked, inescapably, 24/7/365, in his little chastity cage. During those 4 years, we have moved from him being let out for CBT and occasional orgasms, to going over 6 months at a time never being let out.

(In this post is a link to a BDSML image showing his defect inescapably locked in its cage with the frenum piercing padlock in place.)

As things stand today, he was due his 6 monthly orgasm on May 22, and 2 weeks later, I still haven’t found a convenient time to allow that orgasm, (which will be under the sole of my shoe). For those that read my journals, you will know that this delay also eats into his buffer zone that is the difference between having 4 orgasms by Valentine’s Day 2026, or only 3, after which date he will never have an orgasm or erection again, for the rest of his life. Also by that date, all access to the stroking and caressing the erogenous areas of my body will be over for him. It will be look, but, never again touch.

I have have however had many orgasms during the last two weeks! Orgasms that have been huge, and that have arrived so very quickly, following the first touch of my Lelo Sila sonic vibrator.

Arrived more quickly than ever before in my life! This brings me to three issues. The first is that if my current regimen of denial for my bitch enters my head, quickly followed by his future of absolute and permanent denial for the rest of his life, MY arousal is very considerable indeed, leading to the speed of arrival and intensity of my orgasms. Overlapping thoughts of how utterly decadently cruel and pitiless I am being, and of how powerful I feel, fuel my arousal. Until one has experienced this source of arousal, it is hard to imagine the nature of its existence.

The second issue is that I also think about how I, on a moment’s whim, could use my cruel and decadently unfairly wielded power, to decide Valentine’s day 2025, instead of 2026, becomes his last ever opportunity day for an orgasm / erection, for the rest of his life. Just a moment’s whim of an amusing choice for me, but a HUGE and devastating blow for him.

That I have that power also stokes my arousal a great deal. I often tell him that this thought wanders through my mind from time to time. As does a whim that, suddenly I announce; “THAT IS THAT!” No matter what has gone before, no matter where we are in his current denial period, on a moment’s whim, I decide no more orgasms or erections for the rest of his life. As to the day I decide that? That day could be tomorrow! Oh my, how that threat has him obsequiously begging and pleading. (A threat I often make while scantily dressed and pulling poses.) Or I will leave the 2026 date in place.

Or my currently preferred option; to tell him, AND MEAN IT, that his next erection/orgasm event will be his last ever for the rest of his life. I will say what day it will be, and it will happen on that day; possibly next week! Choices, choices.

This brings me to the third issue. That once women running FLR’s open up to me, without exception, they have amazing orgasms and a totally fulfilling sex-life; whatever their age. However long they have been in their relationship. Something, I would suggest applies to less than a few percent of vanilla women in vanilla relationships, especially after a decade or so in a relationship.

So, I have a plea, if you read other FLR blogs and there is no mention about her amazing sex life and sexual satisfaction, leave a comment on that blog, asking why this is not being mentioned. We need any curious vanilla women visiting such blogs, to understand this huge advantage of running an FLR. It must no longer be the best kept secret.

27 thoughts on “Four year anniversary

  1. As is always the case it is the problem of persuading a vanilla partner to even look at this site or any other FLR site. I know I’ve tried several times over the years

    1. I certainly would not recommend that ever. This post was about those wives who take it upon themselves to find out more independently. I am working on a book explaining how husbands can entice their wives into running an FLR. Probably ready for publishing in about 4 months.

      A taster

  2. Unlike “vanilla” women, other FLR women need to discover the benefits of artificially induced orgasms. Sex without love. Methinks the girl doth protest too much. I got into your head rent-free! LOL

    1. You are one of the funniest commenters I have ever had. Surely your comments are always tongue in cheek and ironic? You can’t possibly truly think the things you write. Please tell me you are a spoof.
      Firstly, I had forgotten all about you.
      Secondly, you cant see the level of delusion required to think you know better then me, what I find sexually the most pleasing and satisfying.
      Thirdly, I have been writing since 2011 about the amazing sexual satisfaction secured by being a woman running an FLR and being cruel. And the prompt for the post was the exact day of the fourth anniversary of a denial phenomenon. So sweet you think I had only decided to write my post because of your comment; that I had forgotten all about.
      You do get an award though. I have given awards to commenters for the most aggressive, the most defensive, the most verbose, but you get a new one. The award for being the most deluded. Well done.

  3. Miss Scarlet,

    I agree often these blogs become driven by a male audience and don’t focus on the female experience and benefits therein.

    Your blog stands out because of its authenticity, you right about what you want to write about and in pleasing yourself you have given the world an insight into how this dynamic can be.

    I’ve learned a lot from you and the commenters, I appreciate the efforts here as I imagine even taking the time you do to moderate the comments must be time consuming.

    I have worshipped my wife as the Goddess she is for many years, recently she has had an experience that allowed her to view herself as a Goddess and it’s changed everything. She sees herself as I see her, I can’t describe how wonderful that is. I’m looking forward to exploring this with her and continuing to treat her as the Goddess I’ve always saw her as and now she sees herself as.

      1. Certainly Miss, she went on a female empowerment retreat, they really focussed on connecting with their bodies, feeling a sense of ownership over them, I think a common experience is that either the whole body or parts of the body can feel like a product for others to be enjoyed, used or judged rather than owned by the woman. For example the breasts.

        How to reclaim your body, touch yourself and connect back and take ownership. It was a powerful experience, I do think you need to love yourself before you can truly be loved, the same is true of your body.

        It’s so beautiful to see how she feels now about herself, I feel like she really accepts my love and touch and she is powerful, not in a dominating way but just in an inner comfort and confidence. It’s a really beautiful thing to see and be near, I couldn’t be happier for her.

      2. I think my previous comment didn’t post properly Miss, my wife went on a female empowerment retreat. I think there are lots of women who aren’t fully connected to their bodies, sometimes they can see them or facets of them as products for others e.g. breasts for the male gaze/touch/to feed a baby etc. The work of these retreats is to connect women back to take worship and joy of their bodies, to become empowered by the joy and gift of the female body.

        I will share that for me I take deep joy in loving my wife and taking care of her and supporting her. That doesn’t mean just sexually or domestically but loving her deeply, supporting her in anything that brings her joy or expands her experience. My goal is that when we reach old age we look back and see each other as partners that we chose to share our life with, who always wanted the best for each other and in our love we brought the most joy and widest ranges of experiences.

        I initially started doing some domestic work to help out and I found that doing it felt like an act of love and care, those acts built from there. I love her and I love loving her and I see her blossom in that love.

        1. I understand you have a great vanilla relationship, which is lovely. Why though, are you reading my blog about FLRs? (As “she is powerful, [but] not in a dominating way.)

          1. I was making a distinction Miss Scarlet, she is both, she is in absolute control. But her power is not just from being in control if that makes sense. It’s now inherent to her seeing what she is and how much I care for her.
            She regularly demonstrates this control but I wanted to share that this started with deep love and then her confidence blossoming, I think if your partner is not naturally dominant or at least has no previous experience of this then focussing on loving them deeply and serving their needs as a basis is a solid foundation.

            I say this because I see some Uxos more focussed on getting their partners to read the right text or say a set of ‘magic words’ to ‘turn her dominant’ and I think it’s more of a journey than that. Obviously every relationship is different and mileage may vary.

            1. It is as though you have read the latest draft of the book I am currently writing, ‘How to entice your wife into living an FLR.’ I agree with you 100% and that is exactly what my book sets out, among many other things.
              I think though, your account is lacking how exactly, you are in an FLR now. In what ways does she satisfy the uxo in you? How is she dominant. what does she do when it comes to punishing, to have you endure things solely for her pleasure. You have exactly provided the blue print for the enticement, but not the rewards for the uxo, over time, having done so. To give the whole picture.

              1. Your book sounds like it will be a fantastic guide.

                I am very early in the journey, but I did post last October and I’ve had some lovely (and challenging) experiences like this one I posted about the dog biscuits:

                But my experience is not as varied and deep as many of your followers who actively contribute. But each are on their own journey, thank you again for your efforts for this community.

  4. The third issue you raise is fundamentally important. Since implementing an FLR regime, the increase in both the quality and frequency of my orgasms has been a revelation. More than this, I have enjoyed a permanently heightened sense of sexuality. These changes have surprised and delighted me. The appeal for any rational young woman is considerable and should be pointed out openly at every opportunity.

  5. Greetings, MS Scarlet. Your creative cruelties must be utterly irresistible and awe inspiring to your lucky slave.

    This ‘beta bitch in a cage’ is also referred to as ‘it’ as a pronoun (except for the most part, at its place of employment). “You aren’t a man and will come to resemble one less and less”. Yet, it couldn’t possibly aspire to be a Woman. And it is obviously a pain toy (physically, emotionally, socially) and servile use-object. So, “it” is what it is. Unlike Cousin It from the Addams Family: it is kept completely hairless (except for the eyebrows) which is becoming permanent mostly via high powered IPL treatments.

    She also uses a clit vibrator (similar to the one in your picture) which does get Her off quickly. This bitch has been allowed to worship Her orally though, to what always turns into multiple, hard, full and complete orgasm on Her part. When She uses the vibe, slave is usually either using a dildo for Her which is also a gag in its mouth and/or licking Her anus as She cums. Part of what get Her off is its quiet whimpering while straining, aching and crying sissy tears in its tiny pink Holy Trainer Nano. Nothing makes it strain more painfully in its cage, than Her taking Her (sadistic) pleasure.

    She has opted so far not to have it frenum pierced like your bb, but that remains a possibility per its chastity device. The stainless-steel padlocks for the frenum piercing are available on Etsy and it could drill a couple of well-placed holes in its Holy Trainer tube.

    She recently had it tattooed with the phrase ‘Her bitch’ just above its ‘little problem’ on the now permanently hairless pubic mound. Everyone who actually knows U/us seems to find that most fitting.

      1. Honestly, MS Scarlet, among the most exciting things this masochist has read in your Journals (though all purchased, not nearly done reading all) is your genuine, sadistic arousal at the D/s (equals ‘double standard’!) at degrading contrast of status (and his inevitable reality) between yourself and your property.

        This slave’s gracious Owner allows it to aid Her and others taking their full, frequent, complete, multiple and satisfying orgasms. While its stunted defect is kept appropriately presented in its pink Holy Trainer Nano unless taken out to be teased and tormented. The cage is a permanent and corrective part of its anatomy now.

        On average it has been allowed a prostate milking without orgasm while still caged a few times a year. Then perhaps once or twice in there an occasional ruin: while She paddles the little blueberries and verbally relieves it of any ego or manly feelings on its part.

        The fact of its long-term chastity and orgasm denial in contrast with its Superior(s) getting off on it, only exponentially increases its level of strained arousal and frustration. Because the situation triggers its hopelessly masochistic cravings all the more.

        She has observed that after a month or two in strict orgasm denial, this slave just begins to approach the levels of ‘fully subservient’ that She requires. And in the meantime, its grateful suffering provides Her with symbiotically sadistic pleasure and satisfaction.

  6. i have a similar piercing to bitch boys accept that mine is a Prince Albert I am not going to post a picture as it would be inappropriate and outside my dynamic with my queen to do so. She takes great delight in using it as a hard point to tie me too things

  7. Hello Mistress Scarlet,

    I was aware of her passing.

    Her Only Fans and clip stores have been removed and all her online accounts taken down.
    I am only assuming but this appears to be the wishes of her family after she died or instructions from Melanie in the event of her death.

    There are no beneficiaries as there is no longer anything available to benefit from.

    My stance on going against having the videos publicly available was based on Melanie only wanting the videos to be semi-public and not fully publicly available and her family / beneficiaries of her will having the option to continue making more from the sale of her clips but instead choosing to take them down.

    I know I am being somewhat hypercritical in being willing to share the videos with you but not strangers online.

    Hope that provided a bit more clarification

    1. Not really. But if I cannot share them, or reference them in detail, I do not think it is worth me having them.
      I may ask you abut specific aspects of the content from time to time though. Possibly.

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