Another account of a wonderful FLR.

Below is an account of Brett’s FLR. What a wonderfully perfect FLR wife he has! And what a lucky little uxo he is. It begins with a comment he made on the previous FLR/uxo meme I published, and then he responded to my question.

Love the two photos and captions. In the first she is doing all of the housework. In the second she now has him doing all of it, allowing her time to dress seductively and taking care of herself. Also showing him what he cannot have. This could be my wife. She also likes to tease me by walking around in just her panties and wearing sexy nighties. I have not been allowed in her pussy for over 10 years and I am listed on your BAV register.

I am only allowed to cum 3 times a year at most. If I have displeased my wife at any time, or my housework wasn’t up to her very high standards she will tell me I am going to miss my chance and will have to try again in another 4 months.

When the 4 months or longer has arrived she will allow me to cum in my panties. I wear panties 24/7. I will lie on the bed and she will say I have one or two minutes to cum and she starts rubbing me thru the panties. She is fully dressed so there is no visual stimulation, and she is using her left hand while checking messages on her phone with her right. Very indifferent. Most of the time I do manage to cum very quickly, but there have been times that I didn’t and then have to wait another 4 months. I will also be punished because she told me to cum in 1 minute and I disobeyed her.

Does my wife get a lot of orgasms? Wow, does she ever. I must lick her to several orgasms first and then pat her dry with a tissue. Then I apply a stimulant gel on her clit, massage her legs for 5 minutes as the gel starts to work. Then I use one of her many vibrators on her and she has another 10 to 12 intense and mini orgasms. Finally she says stop. She will then want to rest and sends me to a corner in the bedroom to stay until she gets up. She will say, “I want to rest, go to the corner and stand there while I lay down for an hour or so . Think of ways to please me.”

So I stand there with my wet spot on my panties from pre cum and think about exactly that.

Orgasm denial is a punishment my wife uses, and the threat of it. Other punishments include being tied up in her large walk in closet, wearing only a diaper , hands tied high over my head to a hook in the ceiling. There is a cleat on the wall that she fastens the other end of the rope to, allowing her to raise and lower me as she wishes. Before the diapers, she used to come in after about 2 hours with a coffee can and allow me to pee into it. But she felt that was too degrading for her so she started making me wear a diaper while tied up. I will be tied for 3 hours or more. And many times she will say I may not wet the diaper. If I do, there is further punishment. She always has me drink 2 large glasses of water before this punishment. Of course I am not allowed to speak, and I do try to hold it, but most times I cannot. So it leads to further punishments.

She doesn’t like to exert herself by administering physical punishments like whipping. So other punishments include a lot of corner time with a pair of her worn panties that I must keep between my nose and the wall. Hands tied behind my back. If I drop them, the time starts all over again.

My wife really likes to punish me by giving me extra housework, like washing the tile floors, (it is a large house) using only a small sponge. When I am done she will say, “I’m not happy with how it looks, do it again”. Another 2 plus hours. Then a third time. TaKes the entire afternoon. The same for doing the house windows inside and out. It will take me all day as I usually have to do the job over 3 or 4 times. When I wash the windows outside I wear regular clothes, inside I must wear a baby doll nightie and panties. During these times I must make her tea and her lunch and serve her while she is on her computer, watches tv or talks to friends on her phone. Only water for me.

Another punishment, not very difficult, is I must take her shopping for a day. I cannot speak and must stay 6 feet behind her and must hold all the clothes she wishes to try on. Sales ladies will say they can take the clothes into a dressing room, but my wife will tell them, “no thank you, that’s what he is here for”. Of course I must take her somewhere nice for lunch. She will have a glass of wine with her lunch and I am only permitted to have a small salad that she orders for me.

Historically, I would cum too quick many years ago, and that being a minor reason why I am not allowed in my wife’s pussy anymore. The main reason is that my wife feels that being allowed inside her pussy is way too great a privilege for a husband slave. As I stated on your last post, I have been a BAV for 10 years. Prior to that time my wife would allow me inside her for somewhere between 6 and 10 strokes and then I had to pull out. I was always told I did not have permission to cum and I better not otherwise I would be severely punished.

Only 1 time I disobeyed. My wife allowed me 7 strokes and on the 6th I could feel myself starting to get to the point of no return. I should have stopped at 6, but I knew I was allowed 7 so I went for the last one. I thought I could hold back. Uh, oh! I pulled out and then in about 3 seconds I shot a load of cum all over the sheets and my wife’s thighs. She was as mad and furious as I think I ever saw her. She slapped me several times and told me to lick everything up. She said how dare I disobey her and I would have a month of punishments and 6 months of no chance of cumming She put my chastity device on me and said it would stay on for the 6 months. I was told to change the sheets and then since it was late evening, I was told to stand in the corner for only an hour with the promise of much more in the morning.

The next day I did so much housework, the same jobs over and over again. We have a large house and I had to wash all the tile floors 5 times on my hands and knees. It took me most of the day. The next day more housework and then I was tied up, wearing only panties, in her large walk in closet, hands high over my head for over 3 hours. That became a daily punishment . She still uses that punishment except now I am diapered. She used to come in with an empty coffee can and allow me to pee in it while she held it but she felt that was too degrading for her. So now she diapers (nappy) me first and says she will tell me when I have permission to wet it.

Over the years I believe she has told several of her golfing gals about our lifestyle. When I do meet them I can just tell by the way they smile and smirk when we talk. I am sure they are very jealous!

As you say, would I give it up and stop our WLM? No way. She loves this, and why not, and I am very content and happy with her dominating me.


LINK to Use the label uxo, not submissive.

36 thoughts on “Another account of a wonderful FLR.

  1. What a wonderful account. Thank you for sharing Brett. I had a mixture of arousal and trepidation as I read it and imagined what it must be like to be subjected to such a regime.

  2. Wonderful, thank you for sharing. I truly enjoy reading about the lucky few that get to serve their Beautiful Mistresses. From the Great Ms. Scarlet to Miss Christine and others. Thanks

  3. We are all different, aren’t we? I could see doing this for a week, perhaps a bit more, not sure, but for a whole life?!?! Never ending? No thank you please!

    I thank you, Mistress Scarlet, for the immense amount of time and effort you have put in to elucidate whoever cares to pay attention to what you do. I wish I knew some of these people IRL but they are hidden from my view. I would love to see and perhaps participate in some way. It is indeed fascinating! Thank you, much respect to you for courageously following your most unusual path.

    1. Thank you for your kind words.
      Remember an FLR moves to ‘extreme’ places over years, normally over decades. Both parties become habituated to the less intense of the early years, and ratchets continually get clicked which BOTH parties need, and an uxo’s lot is NEEDING to regret what he wished for, at least a little, or they don not feel helplessly in the power of another and do not feel totally content.

          1. Yes indeed. I simply thought i had to be patient at first but i reasoned that i was unable to argue with the wishes of my wife with regard to her body. I cant even presume that she should tell me anout her reasons or even be pressured into doing so. She is her own Mistress. I accept that in its entirety.

  4. This is exciting and scary
    Being jealous (of him) and shivering at same time is weird
    I felt her slaps on the face and her presence and I don’t imagine how someone can’t cum in less than a minute when he’s ordered to do

    1. Hi Amanda,
      After 4 months of being edged 2 or 3 times a week, and having to look at my very attractive slim wife wearing only panties or a sexy see thru nightie I can cum very quickly. I am so aroused and horny that it doesn’t take much of her rubbing me to make me cum in my panties. Also I realize that if I don’t cum in the allotted time, a minute or two, I will not have another chance for another 4 months. So I watch her left hand glide over my panties, it feels so good, I concentrate on the feeling, and then I explode. Thank goodness I don’t have to enter her and last for a long time becauseI I am sure I have been conditioned now to cum very very quickly when I have the chance. I am sure of that.

  5. Ooh, that’s a spicy account! The wife giving the guy a lot more housework as a punishment instead of more corporal punishment resonates with me because that’s what I mostly do with my bitch. He recently had his birthday and I basically made him slave away the entire day dusting, cleaning, washing, ironing and doing mundane labour.

      1. It’s me, M. My bitch is in your BAV register. I know you get so much comments, it must have slipped your mind. Haha.
        I can definitely write an account on bitch’s recent birthday ordeals if you wish. I was surprised at how cruel I was to him in a supposedly ‘special day’ and you know what, I was kinda proud.

          1. Mistress M and virgin Bitch Boy, both work in healthcare…Bitch boy real virgin, also never had a BJ and now only rarely cums from being squashed under foot. Mistress M slowly stripping him of all luxuries and pleasures in life each loctober as he can’t participate as he is already locked.

                1. Hello Mistress M,

                  Your account of your FLR with your slave were really inspiring and exceptional. In particular, I was amazed by your creativity of leaving your slave home when you went to Bali have fun.

                  Would be super grateful to have an update on your FLR / how did your slave spent his birthday 😊.



                  1. Thank you Andrea for your generous words. I’d like to write up an update on my slave’s recent birthday ordeal if Ms Scarlet is interested.

            1. Once again;
              The Magnificent, Marvelous Mistress M…IS BACK!!! 

              As always, I quiver in anticipation of your next update. 

              “You were born a virgin & you will die a virgin!”– words permanently branded on my brain. HOTTEST WORDS EVER! Life-long radical fantasy question answered. 

              I love that your REAL LIFE example of what a FLR can be–like Scarlet’s–demonstrates that “extreme” expectations are simply a domme’s prerogative & a slave’s reality. You both up the bar for what a budding dominant woman can consider “reasonable” expectations for her sub.  

              From early experience, I advocate immediate shock & awe. Certainly, both Scarlet & yourself exemplify that approach. Impose devastating conditions from the get-go & teach that hard female domination just gets harder (even if he cannot, tehe).   

              Again from hard-won personal experience, I would like to see permanently sexless, orgasm-denied INCELS (like myself) become a slave standard, not an extreme. On upping the bar, how are you coming along with moving your bitch’s chastity train towards its ultimate destination station? (Hopefully as well as your agenda to strip him of luxury privileges… ;)

              – Slave Steele

                1. Did bitch boy cry about the impending demise of his orgasms and erections. Only several more to savour before no more…

                  When mine were severely reduced and now threaten with no more. I was firmly advised that as I was a little masturbator before I have had more than enough for a lifetime!

              1. Thank you for your kind words.

                Yes, I don’t even remember the last time my bitch had a release. I am sure he does but I don’t really care. As far as I am concerned he is already a sexless creature. The last time I saw my slave’s birth defect was a few months back when I had him get a vasectomy, so he is essentially neutered now.

                1. That’s super interesting MistressM :)

                  Since you don’t look/see the birth defect of your Slave, do you require him to be in chastity ? (Or a PA’s piercing ?)

                  Or do you rely on the trust system / he knows better than to touch himself ?

                2. Magnificent Mistress M;

                  Oh, that is fantastic!
                  I wish that more Dommes fully understood that orgasms (ANY) are counter-productive & slaves simply do not deserve them.

                  Do you permit his defect to erect? I, myself, have been orgasm deprived for over 3 years, but The Great Scarlet here has introduced a novel terror. I think possibly an erection free life would be even more devastating. Without question, profoundly affecting & deeply demoralizing. Male ego crushed. 

                  – Slave Steele 

  6. The last sentence says it all. Consent is always key. Whether wife or hubby leads/dominates. Both sides should be content and happy.

    1. Yes, consent not mentioned in the last sentence at all. Not mentioned at all.
      Exactly as I explained in my first response to you. He has not given consent to any of the things he endures, but as he is consent he will continue to endure them. She does not ask for his consent. He endures because he is an uxo. .

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