My Short Stories

I recently received a comment about the two volumes of short stories I published a few years ago.

The commenter asked why more people did not comment on my blog about the short stories. I answered that it seemed accounts of my real-life were much more popular. He replied, “After reading a few of your short stories I can tell you it’s not the stories that are the issue. I think it’s the absence of marketing. Maybe if you put a sample, 1 page, of one of the scenes it might ……..”

So below are all the details about both volumes and some experts.

Short Stories, Volume 2

Four medium length stories of ruthless female domination in scenarios quite different I believe from anything I have written about before. 56,000 words in length. Giving up work has given me time to let my mind and keyboard wander away from my wonderful reality for a while.

Sugarbutt, is a tale of pitiless revenge and personal profit on the ocean.

The Scaled up Android Babysitter, is a tale from the very near future exploiting new technology in a merciless way but the male being babysat is a full grown adult male.

Retirement home, is a tale of two young women from the wrong side of the tracks, making the most, in a radical and enduring way, of a male’s compulsion to submit to cruel females.

No rights for the ‘help’, is a tale of three sisters importing ruthless dominance values to their houses in the Western world.


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It is also available on iBooks/iTunes, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Ingram etc.


Excerpt 1.. ………..

Good Doggy

We were about six weeks into the cruise and I woke one morning to find Louise and Melanie hunched over Melanie’s laptop and giggling and whispering together. I rose from the bed. They were on the internet on a BDSM video site and, having been looking for amusements to perform with or on Stub, had found an idea they really liked. They wanted to surprise me with the amusement but I insisted I was in on it from the beginning, but we could surprise the other girls. It seemed we had everything we needed on board. We gathered together Sub’s electric razors, and from the stores room, four yellow cleaning sponges about the size of paperback books and a large roll of duct tape. After lunch, with a petrified looking Stub carrying all the equipment, and being led by me on his leash, we went onto the top deck under the awning and banished the other girls to the lower decks to prepare our surprise for them. They were happy to leave us to our work for a while and excited about the surprise. Once the three of us were alone with Stub, Louise set about shaving his legs and arms with the electric razors. First the hair trimmer used by Louise and then the face shaver used by Melanie. Stub looked so miserable as he watched and meekly allowed it to happen, and so fretful over whatever was about to happen. At one point he asked what we intended to do and I slapped his face hard and told him to shut the fuck up.

Arms and legs shaved smooth, we had him lay on his back. We started with his right arm. He had to put his hand onto his shoulder almost as though he was showing off his bicep. I then held one of the sponges to the point of his elbow and Louise began to unroll the duct tape and loop it around his bent arm, around and around. This held the sponge in place, and eventually covered it, and held his forearm as tight as was possible against his upper arm. He no longer had a right arm that could be manoeuvred about freely. He just had an almost useless stump totally encased in silver duct tape. We did the same with his left arm. He began to panic a little as he could see how helpless he was becoming. Melanie told him he should be grateful we had included the sponge to each elbow and he had no idea why she was saying this. BUT HE WOULD! Arms turned to temporary stumps, we then started on his right leg, drawing the calf as close as possible to the thigh and foot as close as possible to his butt. I held a sponge to his knee and Louise began to unroll the duct tape and loop it around his bent leg, around and around. This held the sponge in place, and eventually covered it, and held his calf as tight as was possible against his thigh. We then did the same with his left leg. We stood when finished and looked down at him and smiled with great satisfaction and heartlessness. He was like a tortoise helplessly on its back with short stumpy limbs waggling about. Without further ado we manhandled him so he was on his knees and elbows. He whimpered and begged a little which we ignored. He would now have understood the purpose of the sponges as they spread his load over the points of each elbow and knee. We are so kind! I was about to call the other girls to come up and join us on the top deck when Louise stopped me with the hair trimmer in her hand. She bent down to Stub and ran the trimmer over the centre line of his head, from his forehead to his neck. Shaving a strip to baldness, the width of the hair trimmer. Louise has become so mean! She stood and surveyed her hair dressing work with a cruel smile. Stub was becoming overwhelmed and began to sob properly. So he should have. He looked utterly ludicrous now with a bald strip down the centre of his head and teetering on his little stumpy limbs. Louise then asked me to wait until she came back, before calling the other girls up. I was getting impatient. I wanted to show-off our new pet doggy but I waited. She reappeared from below decks with another sponge and the bundle of gardening canes we had come across during our last harbour stop. She dropped the sponge onto the very front of the deck and held one of the canes in her hand. She grasped the leash to Stub’s collar in her other hand. I wanted to be the centre of attention when the other girls joined us but Louise was adamant she should be in charge. With a huge smile I agreed. Her passion and petulance to take the lead and show-off was very amusing. She stood and waited as the girls filed up the stars to join us. There was serious laughter when they saw our new short legged puppy dog. And also some predatory looks of dominance and malevolence.

Excerpt 2…….. She held out her empty glass to him indicating she wanted more.

                ‘Mmmmmmm lovely.‘ His face was neutral and he approached Kaylee and attempted to take the glass from her but it seemed her experiences with her young infatuated suitors bloomed into life. She held onto the glass so they were both holding it. He instinctively looked into her eyes. She spoke innocently.

                ‘Say thank you, like a good boy.‘ He had to thank her for the privilege of getting her more wine it seemed. Her expression was that of a predator about to pounce on helpless prey. She was enjoying herself. He managed to break away from her gaze and he blushed red as he looked at the floor. He whispered.

                ‘Thank you.’ Kaylee let go of the glass and responded in  a patronising tone.

                ‘That’s a good boy.’ He rushed out of the kitchen with her glass, we assumed to get another bottle of wine from somewhere. Kaylee and I turned to look at each other. I spoke first.

                ‘He is one of those pervs who likes to be ordered about by women.’ Kaylee answered with a glitter of excitement in her eyes.

                ‘Yep, like little Kevin my little slave boy last summer. Remember? Only this is a grown man, not a fifteen year old.

We spent the next hour gently ordering him around and he obeyed us every time he received an order. We established his name was Derek and he lived alone and had just retired at fifty-five, his mother having recently died and left him some money. It was about two in the morning and Kaylee and I both needed sleep. We slept in his bed and he slept in his spare bed. Just before we went into our bedroom, Kaylee stopped and looked at him with a calm expression.

                ‘Would you like to kiss my boots goodnight? She ran her hands down her slim body to her long thighs and then looked at her boots. Although we had ordered him around all night this would be his first blatant expression of slave status and adoration of us. He stood still looking at Kaylee’s boots and bit his bottom lip. eventually he blushed as he whispered.

                ‘Yes please.‘ Kaylee spoke in an innocent but amused tone.

                ‘Go on then. Five kisses to each boot.’ He dropped to his hands and knees and kissed her boots as instructed. I expected Kaylee to look over to me and smile and wink, but she did not. She stared down at him, her hands on her hips and her expression was of pleasure and command. Not a game now. She was seriously in her element. He finished and went to rise from his position but Kaylee gently pushed his head back down with her boot. She spoke quietly.

                ‘And Ashleigh’s boots?’ He froze. It was hot and serious. No joking now. without raising his head he crawled the short distance to my boots and began kissing. I am no angel! He kissed the first boot five times and then I counted and as he reached the fifth kiss of the second boot, I kicked out again, catching his lips. He grunted. I spoke as though he was being naughty.

                ‘What do you say?’ He knew I was referring to my spiteful kick. After a pause, he whispered.

                ‘Thank you.‘ My pussy flooded with my juices as I looked down at him. The feeling of control was so hot. While he remained on his hands and knees, staring at the floor, we walked into his bedroom and closed the door. Very unusually for us there was no fit of giggles and falling about hugging each other. I spoke with seriousness.

                ‘That was fucking hot Kaylee. He’ll do anything we want and he even thanked me for kicking him. Fucking hot! Do you feel the same?’ Kaylee stared into space and nodded slowly for a long time.


Short Stories, Volume 1

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iBooks / iTunes Store – for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, PC, or Mac – found by searching for Mistress Scarlet in the store.

And also available on Barnes & Noble .

17 thoughts on “My Short Stories

          1. does not every avid reader have a pile of shame?

            usually residing on the night night table beside the bed, but with daughter piles elsewhere

  1. I’m looking forward very much to #3. The stories are not real, but you are real, and that makes the stories just as exciting as your real life writings. I have every book you wrote, and your Volume 1 stories is my favorite. Btw, I remember thinking by Volume 5 of real life that it might be difficult to write an additional Volume 6 without becoming repetitive. I stopped worrying about that after Volume 10 or so :-). I really wonder what BB fantasizes now. I assume early on he used to fantasize about punishments harsher than what he was dealt. I suspect his current situation has gone beyond that. Maybe he now fantasizes about a return to vanilla life :-)

    1. I have never thought about it before, but I guess the fantasies of a REAL, dominant, cruel, pitiless woman who lives her life being dominant, cruel and pitiless, 24/7/365, are much more arousing than those of an uxo male or a woman who writes but does not DO. Thank you.

  2. The story line seems so very real that you can almost feel the angst in the poor slave and the sheer power rush that the Wonderfully SuperiorWomen are getting from the poor slave’s plight. Beautiful, and what a Beautifully Talented writer you are Mistress Scarlet. Its no wonder that you glory in overpowering and subjugating men-slaves. Its like you innately know what makes them tick. It makes me want to become a slave like that but given my home circumstances, the prospect is a long way off .

          1. Yes indeed Mistress Scarlet i truly felt myself being in the very same position as the slave of course, and it caused me to imagine that i was dropping my mind down to a feeling of total emotional defencelessness. It becomes so all consuming a feeling that it seems like there is nothing else in the world but the pleasure of the Mistress .It is a trancelike existence and where i my total obedience as a slave becomes as natural as breathing; and where i can deny the Mistress nothing at all.. In this state my whole being becomes subsumed to the Mistress Authority and is given the one single thought that i must please my is almost akin to being a robot with no power of denial Where only the Mistress exists.. I know its a very dangerous position in which to place myself but that just gives you an idea of how completely dominated i can become when im slave to a Mistress.( like you.)

            1. I know how helpless you become, like my bitch. No matter what I choose for him to endure, I just have to ask if he would rather no domination ever instead, and he submits to the endurance. And I see the glint of a profound trance like state, during some of his worst endurances, or when I advise him of some endurances that are on their way.

              1. In that case then,I can only presume your bb hubby must have a very similar mindset to my own. It takes great resilience and steadfastness of purpose, not to mention an unfathomable amount of love for you his Divine Mistress also. To be able to feel myself in that state of euphoria is akin to being in touch with the very depths of my soul and being away from is more a form of torture than being under total female domination. To me those Females like yourself are the most deserving of women and the most rare.

                1. bb has the same mindset as you and as every other uxo. There is always 100% consistency in meeting the definition, ‘can only be totally content if feel helplessly in the power of a dominant woman with a mean steak. I guess we can go further by mentioning, ‘reaches a near euphoric trance-like state when experiencing utter helplessness in the face of intentional pitiless cruelty’.

                  1. This is exactly the way i feel when i am in the pitilessly Cruel and ovewhelming power of Superior Female or Deissa or Goddess or , sometimes any one of these titles also ,such as :Dominessa, Goddessa ,Dominestra ,Dominestrata Castramata Deia, Castrameia, Doministra, Sadistra, Domineia. Dominulla, Dominella . Dominultra, and many others too.

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