20 years a BAV, and are their more BAVs for the register?

I should begin by explaining that BAV is an acronym for Born Again Virgin. A Born Again Virgin will never again for the rest of his life be allowed penetrative sex. My uxo, bitch-boy, has been a BAV for around 18 years now. I do not recall the exact date it was, when I allowed him penetrative sex for the last time ever, which also brings me to the matter of recording events and planning, on which I have previously posted. A tricky issue in reality if a last time ever is not at the time, planned as a last time ever.

Maid tiffany

I published a post last month about the FLR of Mistress Serena and Maid tiffany. Maid tiffany contacted me recently with the message below.

More uxos to be registered?

This had me thinking there must be BAVs out there who have yet to be placed on the BAV register. If any Mistress wishes to belittle their uxo and make clear his place in the world, by placing him on this public register with global access, I need the following information:

  • The name by which the Mistress wishes to be identified,
  • The name by which she wishes her uxo to be identified,
  • The exact or estimated date the uxo became a BAV,
  • The reason(s) why the Mistress found it appropriate to make the uxo a BAV.
  • If the BAV is cuckolded, or will be.

39 thoughts on “20 years a BAV, and are their more BAVs for the register?

  1. The second wonderful image you have included in the last few days. The power inherent in the scent of a cunt and its wonderful lubricating fluids needs to be spoken about and fully acknowledged. No coyness here and quite right too. These things should be celebrated.

    The potential for a high quality graphic novel is considerable. There is no easy answer to the question of how we ensure that it would be read by young women but the problem cannot be insoluble. Many of them unashamedly admit to watching pornographic videos which surely implies the existence of a potential audience.

    The best selling novel “Fifty Shades of Grey” was bought by thousands of women of all ages. I admit that the narrative included the theme of traditional romantic love, but is it so hard to imagine flipping the coin with a well illustrated text introducing the delights of an FLR.

    1. I do agree.
      The 50 shades series was so bad for uxo’s trying to have their woman run an FLR.
      The 50 shades whole theme being a dominant male wanting to have a clearly non-uxo woman, become an uxo. Terrible! I imagine the author was an uxo female who, too weak and ashamed to admit she was an uxo, wanted it to appear she was seduced into being an uxo. Which we all know NEVER happens.
      Thereby broadcasting to millions of vanilla wives that being an uxo is a choice. So a vanilla wife will believe she can legitimately say to her husband, who has just confided he is an uxo, “I don’t want you to choose to be an uxo. Stop choosing to be an uxo.”

        1. Yes that’s right, because of sour grapes;
          and not at all because The 50 Shades series was so bad for uxo’s trying to have their woman run an FLR. Not because the 50 shades whole theme being a dominant male wanting to have a clearly non-uxo woman, become an uxo and and the author was an uxo female who, too weak and ashamed to admit she was an uxo, wanted it to appear she was seduced into being an uxo. Which we all know NEVER happens.
          Thereby broadcasting to millions of vanilla wives that being an uxo is a choice. So a vanilla wife will believe she can legitimately say to her husband, who has just confided he is an uxo, “I don’t want you to choose to be an uxo. Stop choosing to be an uxo.”
          No none of that. Just sour grapes.

  2. The name by which the Mistress wishes to be identified
    -> Goddess U

    The name by which she wishes her uxo to be identified
    -> Kirsten Maid

    The exact or estimated date the uxo became a BAV
    -> 2018/12/24

    The reason(s) why the Mistress found it appropriate to make the uxo a BAV.
    -> It was mainly uxo´s desire as she was never a good lover to Goddess U. To reduce the pressure on Kirsten we decided to make her a BAV.

    If the BAV is cuckolded, or will be.
    -> Yes, Kirsten is cuckolded since 2018/12/24

    1. Maid Kirsten: Added to the shameful, globally accessible to all, BAV register. Well done Goddess U for sorting that aspect of ‘her’ life as she needs and deserves.
      Would you be able to supply an description of the lives you lead in your FLR please?

  3. I would love for my Maid to be I cluded on the BAV register.

    • Mistress Tracy
    • Maid Jane
    • June 2022
    • Completely disappointing as a male, to make sure she lives an increasingly feminine life as the miserable girly maid she deserves to be, never experiencing the privilege of sex with a woman again.
    • Cuckolded and also serves my long term boyfriend.
    1. Maid Jane: Added to the shameful, globally accessible to all, BAV register. Well done Mistress Tracy for sorting ‘her’ life as she needs and deserves.

  4. From your previous blog post on marking dates. The restriction for BB to squirting only under the sole of your shoe or in the stiff bristles of that toilet brush. Words fail as to how diabolically degrading that is.

    MS Hayley uses a Days Counter App to keep track of various events like anniversaries of important events in O/our relationship such as O/our first night together. And less insignificant events such as when it was last allowed penetrative sex or when it was last milked. Been looking for an App that would not only count from the previous event but also mark the dates and track the span of time between each event in a manner conducive to basic analytics. Data driven domination: one could call it.

    The Chorsee App is working great to keep Her uxo on task with its chores and other tasks each day.

    1. The stiff bristles of a toilet brush???? Its been only under the sole of my shoe for a long time now.
      Please let me know if you come across an app. I think in reality, because some things end without there being a plan for them to end, an almost daily diary is needed, probably a task of the slave.

      1. Yes, MS Scarlet. Will see about a better time/date notation App and yes, this bitch is the one who does most of the clerical work on these Apps while She occasionally checks things off.


    Mistress, your recent request is uncanny synchronicity to be sure!  For I open your blog here to report a personal milestone of monumental significance. It is the passing of a date long anticipated & the humiliating/proud appeal for inclusion in your BAV registry.   

    Here are my degrading stats I wish to share with the Fem-Focused World:

    ♦  Owner(s):  Goddess T; Mistress Miko             
    ♦  BAV:          Slaveboy/Slavebitch Steele                                 
    ♦  Since:         mid 2009        
    ♦  Notes:        No penetrative sex for nearly 15 yrs.  As of  May 1, 2024, no
    for 3 yrs, 3 months, 3 weeks & 3 days.   ZERO sexual
    /gratification/feminine caress since summer 2017.  Bitch
    has no idea if he will ever be touched again.                      ♦  Reason:      Egregious error permitting no excuse.  Divorced, discarded,
    transfer of ownership.
    ♦  Cuckold:     YES from start by original owner.  YES continuously by current

    Harshly trained slaveboy from age 21 has been discarded after 20 yrs to fully experience his birthright destiny as an object of punishment existing only to suffer & serve at the hands of an even harsher mistress.  Slave committed an “egregious error” permitting no excuse.

    Cuckold Status: 
    Slaveboy has been cuckolded from the very start of his relationship with initial mistress, even before earning the privilege of husband slave.  After said honor, he dutifully sucked the cum of wife’s main boyfriend from her pussy while remaining chaste, often sexually ignored & in a state of perpetual agony (due to a nausea inducing chastity device).  Henceforth, the pathetic bitch readily accepted his mistress’ sexual freedom to indulge with partners of both sexes at her whim for the entire duration of his femdom marriage even though he was rarely permitted a full orgasm of his own.
    Currently, the slave bitch has been continuously cuckolded by his present mistress w/o so much as a single sexual touch, promise of such, or any foreseeable hope of anything other than a lifetime of abject misery & abuse.  Hahaha, all is as it should be!    

    As for his orgasm/total sex denial, he was given a chance to prove his worthiness in 2017 but instead exploded before even fully inserting his swollen, purple head into the patiently receptive pussy.  Slavebitch does not know if he will ever again be permitted so much as a glance at a wet yoni, let alone the privilege of any acknowledgment of his sexual needs.  He is extremely appreciative of gratifying erections (untouched), though due to your blog, very fearful that they too may be taken from him forever.  This is so even though his every erection has been punished with heavy, heavy pain ever since he first agreed to call his young fiancé by the title “Mistress”. 

    Esteemed Mistress Scarlet, I am apologetic about my characteristically wordy submission.  However, my circumstances are a bit complex.  It is my hope that my state of affairs brings untold amusement & deep satisfaction to all of your dominant female readers.  It is my most heartfelt wish that the life forced upon me so early in my adult blossoming inspires naturally sadistic women to embrace their impulses w/o apology or restraint.

    Thank Goddess I captivated the interest of such a sadist siren so early on.  I do not know why Lady Luck smiled upon me so fortuitously while so many other male sperm missiles/birth defects spend their entire wanking lives as desperate fruitless rejects.    

    Best to your Female Sadism Awakening project, it is high time that dominant women & girls of all ages seize the life that beckons within them, that twitches their clit like no other. I will spend the rest of mine in groveling gratitude for my propitious fate. 

    Slavebitch Steele        

    1. So many words from you, and I still do not know what I need to know.
      Give me an account in chronological order. Everything about when you became a BAV in relationship 1 and why. Then why your current Mistress decided you should remain a BAV.

      1. Truly sorry about the wordsmith smoke $ mirrors!  However, I am in the delicate position of trying to fully tell my story w/o…fully telling my story – LOL. W/o telling on people.  Elevated status/reputations/careers are at stake.  I must craft my chronicle with utmost caution.  Already, AI has enough to expose identities to a motivated sleuth. 

        Also, know that I am dealing with overcoming decades of extreme stoicism conditioning that is unlike any I have heard of.  My strict training has rendered me virtually unable to tell what has happened to me since I was first commanded to call my fiancé “mistress”. Besides the Herculean effort to initially contact you, I have told no one.  It is a seriously intense mental block.  

        Currently, I am inundated by vanilla world obligations.  I promise to provide the requisite info as soon as time permits.  I must contemplate my words carefully.  I am not in a position to ‘let my freak flag fly’ like some couples opening their lifestyle to the world, however liberating that may feel.  Thank you for your understanding.  

  6. barely resist my desire to be included due to my belief it’s better to be my mistress’ decision to put me there and I’m not quite sure if it’s right since I have no mistress so far

  7. i agree with you but I recently found out this opinion saying you can’t identify yourself as a submissive unless you’re in a D/s relationship. It was kinda offensive and I’d like to prove to myself I’m worth of being one

    1. 1. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. 2. Stupid opinions should be ignored, not taken seriously and responded to. 3. Obviously you can be an uxo without being in an FLR. 4, it is very unhelpful to your situation to describe yourself as a submissive person when you actually mean you are an uxo.

      1. This is so much appreciated mistress Scarlett

        This opinion came of someone I highly trust and admire and felt a bit logical when said

        If I’m not wrong, submissive means to feel inferior to others and wanna submit regardless of anything else while uxomeans my eagerness to feel helpless in the hands of a dominant mistress. I’m both. Although my dream is to become the house bitch for my ideal mistress I can simply be kept by an alpha male as his faggot. I know I’m not the ideal type of submissives/uxos for you and a wide range of dommes. Less confident, weak physically, tiny body, and can’t decide for myself. I’m not even sure if I can serve properly or not in case I’m picked by someone. This all makes sense that I don’t have the right to identify even as a sissy unless I’m under the power of my lady so that she can decide if I’m good or not. Otherwise I’ll be just wasting other people’s precious time

        This is so disappointing and frustrating but perhaps this is the truth as well.

        1. The definition of Uxo is someone who can only feel totally content if they feel helplessly in the power of a dominant with a bit of a mean streak. I guess I should always have made it clear the dominant can be a man or a woman. I have not done so because my blog is about trying to create more dominant women. There are already loads of dominant men.
          Given the definition is entirely about how you feel, then clearly no other party is needed for you to know whether you are an uxo or not. I can’t imagine what the motivation for this person was, or why you respect them???

          You have still linked submissive to being with a dominant. You are still missing the point that you are not a submissive person in every scenario of your life, like going shopping for instance.

          means do you feel submissive to people who have no interest in dominating anyone.

          1. To be honest I don’t know if it’s the only way to feel totally content but it’s the way that I found myself belonging to so much.

            Do I feel submissive to those with no interest to dominate? Sometimes yes. I’m too vulnerable (mentally & physically) that I may get scared of others for the least reasons which I related to my femininity before delving in D/s lifestyle world.

            My content before, belonged to serving dicks/strapons and getting handled roughly like a piece of shit whore. In this world I found out deeper ways such as domestic service and obeying orders and giving up power – I don’t have – to others. Here I can embrace my femininity and inferiority altogether while making my mistress happy.

            But when I hear you talking about smartness and intelligence and power of your bitch I go lower. Perhaps he could simply fuck the shit out of me with no effort. Which makes me feel happy btw. I know any comparison between me and otheruxos will end up with their victory which I loved before because it means more humiliation but you yourself told me that you will never have an interest with someone like this

            That’s what I know about myself mistress Scarlet

            1. After you’ve heard that. Would you have any respect to me mistress Scarlett like any other uxos/BAVs in D/s relationships?

              1. If you were my uxo and we were in a mall carpark and I had just driven into a carpark space and you were my passenger, and when we got out of the car, a rude, ignorant woman started shouting at me that I took her space. Would you be assertive with her, on my behalf, or would you feel submissive to her and not help me at all?

                    1. Please excuse my late response.

                      This is only because you’re with me. Combination of my obligation towards you and my trust you’ll defend me if something happens. If same situation happens while I’m alone my reaction would most probably be completely different

                    2. But you would not be submissive to her in those circumstances, so my point is made YOUA RE NOT submissive to all people in a all circumstances.

          2. Ms Scarlet this is a wonderful blog I read it all the time and I know I’m strange but I always am submissive, I guess just my nature my disposition. My dominant wife told me the minute she met me she knew I was a sub. I met a ………..

            1. I am afraid this is an FLR blog, so gay uxo/dom stuff doesn’t appear here.
              (And actually neither does any suggestion that a race can be stereotyped as better than another race at anything. Such stereotyping fails at a basic level of logic. As there are excellent people at everything in every race. And appalling people at everything in every race.)
              Please though, I would happily read more detail of your wife’s actions towards you, or other women who have dominated you.

              1. Never mind Ms Scarlet , it’s my mistake, you see I thought this was a free and open forum where people post their feelings and activities and not be judged or censored , don’t worry I’ll spread the word at the next society of Janus meeting that this site has a specific agenda thank you so much

  8. Hi, Mistress Scarlet,

    I’ve been an on and off reader of your blog for many years now and we have had some brief correspondence in the past.

    I would like to respectfully request you add my submissive husband to your BAV register. He has been pussy free and secured in permanent chastity with the aid of a Prince Albert piercing for around ten years now.

    He recently begged me to maybe be allowed penetrative sex once again and suggested he be allowed intercourse once a year maybe on his birthday or perhaps our anniversary.

    I immediately dismissed and denied this request. The other day, I was catching up on your blog as I hadn’t read it for some time and came across your post “20 years a BAV and are their anymore BAVs for the register?” 

    I thought this was rather timely considering the recent begging of my own submissive and thought adding him to your register would be a nice way of making his pussy free status to me official for life and put the the proverbial nail in the coffin of him ever thinking he may get to enter me again. Which he absolutely will not

    1, Ms Kinky Kane

    2, houseboy

    3, end of 2014 was the last and only time I allowed piv.

    4, I personally feel it is not appropriate for a submissive partner to be permitted penetrative sex with his Mistress. I’m a firm believer in permanent chastity so insist he is kept desperate and denied. 

    5, open and willing to cuckolding him but yet to happen.

    For your verification purposes of who I am and my authenticity. 

    Twitter/X: @MskinkyKane

    Website: www.mskinkykane.co.uk 

    Feel free to publish all or part of this request and information as you see fit.


    Ms Kane

  9. I was asked to post this…

    Good evening goddess. My owner would like me to share my story with you. Goddess Barbara saw your post about BAV and laughed at my current predicament and ordered me to send this message. Goddess Barbara is a professor at the college I attended. When I went to college… I was still a virgin. I’d never even kissed a woman before. Eventually, I met Goddess Barbara and my life has changed forever. I am now 24 and have been locked in near permanent chastity for 4 years. My virginity is still intact… and Goddess Barbara (50) has told me I will remain chaste for life in service of her needs and fantasies. She had many lovers both young and old and it is my pleasure to service her before and after. I hope you have found my story interesting. Goddess Barbara says if you have any questions I am to answer them without delay. At your service, Miles (Bitch)

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